Floortime Explained

Floortime therapy is something you may have heard of but might be a little hazy about. Some people might think it’s some sort of time out that serves as an alternative to sending a child to their room or to some other confined space when they’re expressing negative behavior.
What Floortime Therapy really is is a sort of way to help children expand their spheres of communication. It has a lot to do with meeting a child at their level of development in order to first build upon their foundation.
This method was derived from the DIR model (Developmental Individual-difference Relationship-based model) created by Stanley Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wieder, Ph.D. — two child psychiatrists.
To put it in even more understandable terms, Floortime Therapy aims to help develop who the patient is, rather than tell them that they are a certain way (and resigned to be a certain way) due to their diagnosis.
What Does This Mean For Parents And Practitioners?
It means that you better put on your play clothes, because Floortime Therapy, in the end, is exactly what it sounds like. Both speech pathologists and parents get down on the floor and play. It’s all about engaging in the activity that the child enjoys. We have to follow the child’s lead for once, meet them in their arena.
Floortime should take place in a tranquil environment, like the home or in a treatment setting. Usually, FT will last anywhere from 2-5 hours, emphasizing back-and-forth play dynamics. Aim for shared engagement and shared attention. Mix in some problem solving as a way to sharpen interactions, as well as abstract and logical thinking. This might mean playing with toys, models, or even ideas and academic fields.
What Does Floortime Help Develop?
The objective of Floortime is to help children reach 6 milestones in development that are crucial for the patient’s intellectual and emotional growth.
Milestones include:
1. Emotional Ideas
2. Emotional Thinking
3. Two-Way Communication
4. Complex Communication
5. Self-Regulation and Interest in the Surrounding World
6. Intimacy / Engagement in Human Relations
Want to learn more about Floortime and other effective methods for autism treatment in Los Angeles?
Omix Therapies is known throughout Southern California for our dedication to improving our client’s ability to communicate, enhancing the way they look at (and interact with) the world around them. We’re in the business of helping people be better understood. Call
(310) 659-9511 to schedule your complimentary consultation today.