Education Advocacy Beverly Hills

Omix Therapies is one of the most certified institutions in advocating for children with special education needs. Various educational institutions may not provide the support needed to allow children with speech disorders to receive a proper learning experience.

Omix Therapies assists by personally advocating for educational and medical support for children. Children with special education needs are entitled to receive services which include speech therapy and occupational therapy.

Physical, Occupational, And Speech Therapy For Children

Physical therapy is provided to help children develop the functional abilities that will enable them to perform motor skills, which include standing, walking, running, etc. Through occupational therapy, children receive the required skills that will allow them to be functionally independent and maximize their potential.

Speech therapy is a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s language skills and enables them to address difficulties in language processing. A number of school districts do not provide amenities such as occupational, speech, or physical therapy.

Omix Therapies works with profound dedication in ensuring these services are available to students in the form they are requested in. We work closely with child advocates and attorneys in obtaining specialized services for children with special education needs.

If your child is affected by a learning disability and experiences difficulties in obtaining the amenities they are entitled to, please call Omix Therapies at (310) 933-1265 for the appropriate Beverly Hills advocacy services.

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9:00am – 3:00pm